Redundancy-based Approaches for Wireless Multihop Network Design
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
Wireless multihop networks such as ad hoc and mesh networks are susceptible to both random uncertainty of radio links and malicious jamming. Traditional unipath routing techniques reduce the overall packet delivery ratio in presence of network failures. Being able to predict the reliability of a transmission a priori can be useful in designing reliable networks. We consider a network of nodes addressed by their locations carrying out redundancy-based routing, and propose an analytical model that can predict the reliability of a transmission given certain parameters such as network node density and region of network involved in the transmission. For this study we consider a geo-diffuse multipath routing technique called Petal routing, which takes advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless networks to reduce the number of transmissions for multiple paths. We investigate the accuracy of the analytical model by comparing metrics such as reliability obtained from the model and from OPNET simulations.
Wireless multihop networks such as ad hoc and mesh networks are susceptible to both random uncertainty of radio links and malicious jamming. Traditional unipath routing techniques reduce the overall packet delivery ratio in presence of network failures. Being able to predict the reliability of a transmission a priori can be useful in designing reliable networks. We consider a network of nodes addressed by their locations carrying out redundancy-based routing, and propose an analytical model that can predict the reliability of a transmission given certain parameters such as network node density and region of network involved in the transmission. For this study we consider a geo-diffuse multipath routing technique called Petal routing, which takes advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless networks to reduce the number of transmissions for multiple paths. We investigate the accuracy of the analytical model by comparing metrics such as reliability obtained from the model and from OPNET simulations.
- T. Biswas, and R. Dutta, "Reliability Prediction of Diffused Pathset Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2014 (PDF)
- T. Biswas, R. Dutta, “Spatially Diffused Pathsets for Robust Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Gloal Communications Conference, December 2011 (PDF)